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City of Darkness
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Mandatory objectives
  • Deliver the Data Stick to Strangler Bao
  • Duncan and Gobbet/Is0bel Must Survive
Optional objectives
  • Do Not Kill Any Yellow Lotus
  • Repair the Walled City
  • LocationKowloon Walled City
    Rewards6 + 4 Karma
    Special rulesMaximum party size = 3

    City of Darkness is a mission in Hong Kong.


    Kowloon Walled City. The most densely populated spot on Earth - nearly 40,000 people crammed into seven acres of chaos, poverty, disease, and vice. A self-contained city that collects no taxes and provides no city services. Stagnant water sits in temporary wells. Trash lies piled on roofs for controlled burns. Improvised structures lean dangerously over populated areas.

    It's the ideal breeding ground for all manner of illicit trade - drugs, gambling, black market trade, metahuman trafficking, and everything in between. The only law is triad law.

    And now you need to enter this septic system of a city. Find a triad enforcer named Strangler Bao and deliver a message from Kindly Cheng.


    • Welcome to the Walled City. Before you start, here are what exactly Gobbet and Is0bel can offer during this run:
      • Gobbet can summon a spirit, who can give you a code to gain access to Strangler Bao. If you have Spirit Summoning: 2, you can summon the same spirit yourself.
      • Is0bel can do a Matrix segment which will also grant access to Bao. In addition, she can retrieve paydata.
    • This walkthrough assumes that you are not interested in fighting any Yellow Lotus during the run.

    First Area[]

    • Approach the Bloodied Woman to get the optional objective to repair the Walled City. There are 3 things you need to do to complete the objective; 2 of them are in this first area:
      • Inspect the wires. You can rip them out, ask Is0bel for help, or patch them (with Intelligence: 2).
      • Use the Bucket of Sand to put out the flame on the tires.
    • Interact with the Spiritual Energy in the north west part of the map to summon the spirit of a murdered man. You need either Gobbet or Spirit Summoning: 2.
      • You can get him to tell you the Smuggler Den's code: 5465.
      • Alternatively, you can get the spirit to kill Bao's men nearby. This is not recommended.
    • At the entrance to the White Lotus Den, when dealing with Bao's men, using Charisma: 3 AND Etiquette: Gang will convince Bao's men to let you in without a fight. This gives you 1 Karma.
      • Do not mention the "Street Vendors" as this will make them hostile.
    • Just before you find the Bucket of Sand, you can witness a Yellow Lotus thug beating a homeless man unconscious and taking his credstick.

    Lower Levels[]

    • Go find the thug, who is chilling nearby. Etiquette: Shadowrunner OR Strength: 4 OR Unarmed: 4 will convince him to give you the credstick. This gives some spare change and 1 Karma.
      • You can return to the homeless man and give him his credstick.
    • The last part of the "Repair" optional quest is to cleans up some water leakage. Having Strength: 3 OR using Duncan will complete this part. Completing the optional quest grants you 1 Karma.
      • If you wish, you can return to the Bloodied Woman for more dialogue.
    • There's a door which you can pass if you have Decking: 3 (or Is0bel). Beyond the door, there's a Matrix jack-in point. Your rewards are:
      • Exotic Animal Dealer Contacts paydata;
      • Security Override Keycode: 7881. This code unlocks Bao's room.
      • Hatch Deadbolt Release. This grants you access to the White Lotus Den.
    • Find the door to the Smuggler's Den. Opening the door with the code will grant you 1 Karma, but will pull you into a fight with 2 Hellhounds.
      • After disposing of the Hellhounds, pocket the spare change on the table.
      • The nearby ladder is yet another way to access the White Lotus Den.

    White Lotus Den[]

    • Explore the Den. In a room by the main entrance you can pick up some nuyen. Pocket the Simsense Chip lying in a room at the opposite side of the Den.
      • If you did not obtain the code to Bao's room via Matrix decking, the code will be lying around in another room.
    • Use the code to unlock Bao's room. Be civil to the man, and hand him the Data Stick.
    • Once Bao has been brought back in line, return to Heoi.


    • After you get your mission computer, remember to put the paydata up for sale at the Shadowlands BBS.
    • Pass the Simsense chip to Maximum Law for some nuyen.