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Rewards¥1700 (run) + ¥850(help Janet Tang) + ¥1300 (paydata), 8 Karma


The trip to Lee's loaned minisub is uneventful, as is transit to the area near Hong Kong where Shiawise has built their research laboratory. The sub descends swiftly, and you are kept company by the hissing of the oxygen scrubbers - and the occasional ping of active sonar striking your hull. As you near the coordinates for the lab, Jomo begins switching off all but the most essential of systems.

After a few minutes, brighter light filters through the portholes as you ascend into a moon pool, and there is a dull thud as the facility's clamp closes around the sub to lift it free.


  • Head through the door to the elevator.

Computer Lab[]

  • Through the next door, you'll get a chance to try to slip past or engage the guards. Go ahead and engage, and then check out the lab computer.
  • Head through the next two sets of doors and get ready for the next fight.
  • After taking out the opposition, grab the keycard and answer the telecom.
  • Go ahead and check out the computer in the middle of the room. You'll learn the new code to the weapons locker room: 4077, as well as the previous code that causes the drones to crash: 1337.
  • The computer on the left side of the room has more flavortext.
  • The computer by the door you used to enter the room will reveal the code to a medical closet in D25: 8236.
  • Continue through the next door and onto the tram.

Metahuman Testing Lab[]

  • Open the weapons locker to obtain: Ares Voltaic Grenade and Nemesis Arms Gyrojet Pistol.
  • Head down and examine the pods.
  • As you step further into the corridor, get ready to fight a bunch of pod-people.
  • The door to the left is locked; it will unlock later.
  • Head through the door on your right and onto another tram.

Germ Warfare Lab[]

  • Swipe your keycard at your objective.
  • Talk to Janet Tang to get her to agree to cooperate. Then get her to spill everything she knows. Decide whether to kill her or to let her go (she may help you out with an ambush or your "cough" later, see near the bottom of the page for details).
  • When Janet Tang's fate is decided, Commander Gara makes his appearance over the the telecom system. You learn security is aware of your presence and matrix access in the facility will be cutoff very shortly. Immediately afterwards, security forces break into the room and you will only have 5 rounds to simultaneously access any computers and Matrix jackpoints necessary to complete any objectives, all while fighting off security. Note that you only need a decker for the Matrix jackpoint - any party member can access the computers.
    • The Matrix jackpoint in the room directly in front of the lab entrance lets you:
      • unlock the safe (right)
      • shut down ALL drones in the facility (left)
    • Decide the fate of the silver dream test subjects.
      • The computer in the room to the right of the entrance lets you override silver dream matrix interlocks.
      • The computer to the left of the lab entrance lets you override the simsense feeds.
    • The lab safe contains Paydata: SARS III disease sample (worth 1444 nuyen)
    • Once you've dispatched the guards, pick up the cure. Now it's time to escape.
  • Hop on the tram.

Return to Metahuman Testing Lab[]

  • If you helped the test subjects escape, they will be neutrals in the next fight. Individually they're pretty useless, but there are a lot of them.
  • The previously locked door is now unlocked. Enter and loot the medical closet before getting on the next tram. (Shamanic Salve, DocWagon Platinum Trauma Kit)
  • Grab the tram out of here.

Return to Computer Lab[]

  • While riding the tram, one of your companions will notice is going in the wrong direction. With high enough Drone Control or Decking, you can take the tram back to the Computer Lab where you first answered the intercom. There, you will meet Commander Gara in person with three more guards. Commander Gara will give you the dialogue "option" to surrender, but if you do that he'll just laugh and get the jump on you in the fight. Attack them first to get the jump on them.
    • If you don't have high enough decking or drone control, pull the emergency brake and get ready for an ambush. Commander Gara and his goons will still attack, but as an ambush with fully setup turrets. If you let Janet Tang escape, she will aid you by taking control of the turrets.
  • Either way, after getting back to the hanger with the sub, Janet Tang will contact you. If you avoided the ambush, questioned Janet Tang regarding your "cough" while letting her escape, and released the silver dream test subjects (please confirm these conditions using Discussion page), she will inform you that she needs the remaining SARS III antibodies to treat those exposed during the fighting. You can tell her "no" and take off with all the samples, or you can work with her and she will show you how to dose yourself, and allow you to pocket one vial for your client. If leave the rest behind for her, she will wire you 850 nuyen. Your client will still pay you 1700 for the one vial.
  • Take the elevator and then talk to Jomo to get out of here.